Solar Panel Prices Outlook Bullish if Biden Wins

If Biden wins, solar prices could be hugely impacted. As companies ‘reset for growth beyond coronavirus,’ businesses are looking towards the future for the first time in months. Many businesses are operating under real financial stress and are looking to plummeting solar panel prices as one key way to save money by cutting the cost of energy.

Tesla Batteries are Starting a Revolution

The world of commercial and industrial energy storage is fundamentally different from that of residential batteries. When it comes to the commercial and industrial market, Tesla batteries for projects with or without solar power stand out. Tesla Powerpacks and Megapacks are changing the face of solar energy and batteries in Central America, especially in Costa Rica, Honduras and Colombia.

Do Solar Panels work on Cloudy Days?

How do my solar panels work on cloudy days and even generate more power when there are clouds? If it seems counterintuitive that you might get more power from your solar panels on a cloudy day, then you should definitely read on. After all, energy generation is key to saving money with solar panels.

Are Batteries Worth it?

Batteries have become cheaper by most measures that matter, which is not necessarily the total cost. Depending on requirements, the metric could be per kWh of storage or cost per kW of discharge capacity. With the price of batteries falling to unprecedented levels, the savings generated outweigh most if not all of the financing cost and can be financing through leasing as solar plants have long been.

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