Success Case: Solar Panel Project for Grupo Inteca
At Avolta Energy, we are extremely pleased to work with companies like Grupo Inteca, a leader in the mass consumer market in Costa Rica
Solar Panel Prices going up along with everything else thanks to IRA, Surging European demand, and now Chinese power outages
Solar prices going up along with interest rates means customers should act now and lock in solar savings. If your business is hurting from high energy prices…
In Costa Rica: How To Save Money, Decarbonize and Help Ukraine
At Avolta, our speciality is Distributed Generation (DG) Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Solar.
We believe that the energy system of the future is distributed, and decarbonized.
Key Charts That Will Determine The Future of Mankind
It has been too long since we posted anything meaty here. Apologies but it has been a very busy time at Avolta. I will post something on all the progress we have made during this busy time…
Solar Panel Prices Are Going Up On Polysilicon and Copper and Almost Everything Else
Solar panel prices have been dropping almost continuously for more than a decade. Everyone just assumes that solar gets cheaper every year. At Avolta we often hear from clients asking whether they should wait to buy their system as it will just get cheaper.
Bitcoin, Solar and Savings, oh my!
If you have been on the Internet recently, you may have stumbled across the buzzwords Bitcoin, cryptocurrency or block-chain technology. Whether they make complete sense or make your head spin, not to worry. At Avolta Energy, we are focused on the power needed to “mine” this currency and the environmental impacts of generating this power. The relationship between solar and Bitcoin is multi-faceted
Battery storage: commercial solar’s new best friend
In today’s world of disruptive technology, renewable energy is no stranger to the limelight. Increased solar cell efficiency and greater battery storage capacity are just a few of the trends driving the industry. At Avolta Energy, we stay up to date on these advancements to ensure our customers are getting the best performance from their solar system
Cheap Batteries + Better AI Are A Disruptive Combination
Cheap and distributed solar has changed the grid. Batteries combined with AI will transform it. Batteries are a necessary complement to intermittent renewables if there is going to be a path towards a decarbonized grid for most countries. Take a deep dive to understand battery technology, its economics, and how AI and innovation are making energy storage the ‘Holy Grail’ no more.
5 New Solar Technologies To Watch
New solar technology is changing the face of solar energy. At Avolta Energy we love Solar Energy. We love the fact that it saves people money and just might save the planet. We love the technology, and we even think solar is beautiful. However, it is also true that most solar installations look pretty similar, rows of dark gray or black panels usually either up on a roof or mounted